UKMW prompts improved language, but Indy still downplays Jewish connection to Jerusalem

An article by Harriet Agerholm in The Independent (“Israel approves $56m project to increase accessibility to Jerusalem holy sites including Western Wall”, June 8th) included a passage about Jerusalem’s holy sites which completely erased Judaism’s holiest site, the Temple Mount.

Sadly, this omission is part of awidertrendwithin UK media outlets – and, of course, at UN agencies – of emphasizing the Muslim connection to the Temple Mount (increasingly referred to as Al-Aqsa Compound) whilst downplaying or ignoring the Jewish connection. to the site.

In addition to our tweet, we contacted Indy editors over the omission, who upheld part of our complaint and revised the text to at least acknowledge the Temple Mount:

Whilst we’re pleased that editors revised the text in this particular passage…

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